Kilcummin strand

Killcummin Strand, Brandon Bay.

Best Bass surf Beach in Ireland? 

Killcummin Strand, Brandon Bay, County Kerry.

The big question is where to fish for bass when you come to the Dingle Peninsula? With so many surf beaches to choose from my personal favorite is Killcummin Strand. The best time in my opinion to fish it, is two hours into high water and you can fish it all the way to the drop. I have often caught fish here on the drop and to be honest sometimes at every stage of the tide. Killcummin strand has produced the biggest bass I have ever seen which was 15lb. Also sometimes the day can just be as good as the night and there is nearly always some sort of surf on. 

Des Baily, 3lb Bass, Novermber, 2015

Bass can be caught all the way through the year and the bass in the picture above was caught in the middle of November, with an air temp of only 4 degrees. Preferred bait is lug worm and they can be dug literally on the other side of Castlegregory. Killshannig is a prolific lug bed, with thousands of people year around, digging bait there. On a good day you can meet a few different nationalities digging here and all this is great for the peninsula. Fresh lug and a simple three or two hook paternoster rig will do the trick. Huge casts are not needed, the general rule of thumb is the third breaker. I prefer to not use rod stands here, as the tide rushes in two fast and nothing beats hooking a bass in the surf.