The Best Salmon and Sea Trout Rivers on the Dingle Peninsula

The Dingle Peninsula Freshwater Species

First of all please check with the IFI which Rivers are open, closed or C&R. Some Rivers change every year, some stay the same but always check, also a license is required to fish for Salmon or Sea Trout in Ireland!

So where can you catch Salmon or Sea Trout on the Peninsula? My answer is that you can catch Sea Trout in almost all the Rivers and streams of the peninsula. Any Loch that is connected to the sea will hold Sea Trout, Salmon and Brown Trout. All the rivers run into the Sea on the Peninsula so this gives the fish access through the estuaries up into there freshwater breeding grounds.

Now technically you can fish all the Rivers and Lochs of Ireland but if a system is closed then you cannot target Salmon or Sea Trout. Use small breaking strain and single barb-less hook and you will be fine. Always return Salmon or Sea Trout if caught in any river that is closed, which really goes without saying. 

I will never be surprised by the beauty and intelligence of nature. I have caught Sea Trout in nearly all the streams and Lochs around the peninsula. I have seen Salmon in a lot also and if I am honest have hooked plenty of fish in Rivers not even two meters in width!

Here are my list of the best Salmon and Sea Trout rivers on the Peninsula...

1. Owenmore River, Cloghane

2. Annascaul River

3. Aughcasla River and Loch Slat