Just let it be!

Why do I care so much?

Its without a doubt my whole childhood was based around catching fish. Its all I taught about in my youth, that was until I found the dark side of this life and at times I became controlled by that. When I was growing up the reality was that my father was a fishery officer and it wasn't uncommon to see violence and arguments. Some people seem to know a lot more than I do about my childhood with some obscene accusations about my fathers methods but I know the truth. The man cared and maybe at times his ego got a hold of him but with all the violence that was thrown apon our family, the only reason that stands alone is the fact that he done his job well. Poachers didn't like it and at the time they literally burned and destroyed what they could.

Im getting a lot of backlash about certain posts that have gone up lately. I have been messaged quite a bit by individuals who wanted to critise me and that's fine I can take that, no problem. Mostly what people say is you have done nothing, your a keyboard warrior and do you wanna meet for a fight. Now let me tell people I'm no fighter, I have mostly been in fights drunk and I'm not ashamed to say lost most of them. Also I'm clean and sober today, so one thing I know for sure is if I am not drunk their simply will be no fights. That's not to say I'm a walkover but I'm a very compassionate person who cares for his family and friends. I can share all this with ye is because anybody reading this post has an interest in who I am and I don't mind putting it out there.

This whole issue on Salmon goes very deep, I was extremely close to my father growing up, I know what went on good and bad. The dogs that were shot were our pets, the houses that were burned down we lived in and the cars that were destroyed we were dropped to school in. Now to the issue of what have I done, I did apply to the Fishery Board on several occasions, once getting to the interview stage but I knew I would never get employed by them, I have had my own personal problems that effected that also. I have studied environmental science and done some time in collage studying wildlife biology something that I want to go back and finish. I do believe the page is definitely contributed to more awareness on fishing  matters but I am fully certain the new campaign that the IFI have undertaken by posting seizures is completely down to the pressure the Dingle Peninsula page has put on them.

Also my attack on restaurants and smokerys was not personal, its was completely based on the fact that wild salmon are not a sustainable fish to be harvesting. To be honest I bought kippers smoked by O Háras only yesterday and they were handsome. I did get backlash from chefs and owners and I did feel for them. Wild Irish salmon should not be sold in Ireland and we stand behind that.

On the fishing front everything is going well, there seems to be alot of salmon running the rivers and bass are plentiful. I really think that living in kerry is a blessing and I am so grateful...

The reality is I ain't going no where, this is a lifelong thing, it's not a flash in the pan, I have been around rivers my entire life, its everything I do and will do as long as I am alive. I love angling and everything about it. I remember as a child praying for rain and the chance of a flood, its all I remember about my childhood if I am honest, it's all I talk about still to this day. But anyway be safe out there and tight lines!