Nets for years!

So I had a conservation a few days ago with a man from cromane! He was highly offended by my page and by my posts. He called me an arse licker and a blagard!

In fairness, the blagard bit, he is probably right but be assured I have tried to change my ways. The reality is this whole salmon and netting business goes deep, very deep and its not gonna stop!

The man started roaring about high courts and solicitors. I just asked a few simple questions and I told him that taking down a post would be no problem. I was told that a man with a net in cromane that was selling untagged salmon was talking a big talk about a huge haul in one tide of 300 salmon. Not to one but plenty of customers who in fairness shouldn't have been buying untagged salmon. 

Who am I to judge anyone? That's a true statement. I'm I perfect, certainly not but like I said this thing goes deep!

Anyway this man from cromane told me that never will they give up their right to net salmon, he told me that even if they are allowed to net only ten fish per year than they will do it. He told me they should be allowed net fish in the caragh and that it has been scientifically proven that the nets in cromane do not effect the river Maine. Something that I find completely contrary to the fish counter results from the river Maine. 

Also I got another call from back west, this was a private number roaring abuse about the page, he turned from roaring abuse to bragging about how 2020 has been the best year of all time. He stated that Drift nets are well and truly alive. He mentioned both ballyferriter and Castlegregory as two hotpots at the moment.

The reality is the page is hitting home, I know for a fact the traffic to the page has caused more talking in and around areas like cromane and will definitely have people watching their back maybe more than before. 

I have been offered the service of a drone, somebody within that business, angling is a passion of his but I don't know! What do you think, is it worth flying a drone up the estuaries of the laune and the Maine, he can fly either at night or during the day...