When is it too much?

So I got sent this video by an angler and I was going to leave it be. I wasn't going to share but then I was thinking about the world we are in and I felt I had to share. Now we need to understand the context of the video. In the video we see a young fella who is fishing a well known stretch of the river Lee in County Cork.

Personally I'm not sure if the stretch is free or is it club/private! So we have a young fella probably fishing an area he shouldn't be fishing. Now the reality is their is a way to approach this situation. Also you must take into consideration that maybe this river which close to the city of Cork is quite possibly riddled with fellas fishing without licences or permits.

Maybe this fishery officer is tormented by this and lost his head. Maybe if he approached this individual more calmly he would have got a load of abuse but who knows. 

It needs to be said that maybe I shouldn't have shared this video, maybe it's wrong of me but look when you have the fishery board granting licences to net salmon in the Lee than personally I will show them up for what they do wrong. 

His a young fella fishing, if he catches a salmon you better believe in the future he will buy his license. He will never forget catching a salmon next to Wellington Bridge. His whole family will congratulate him, maybe his nephew or younger brother might what to go fishing, that's how we grow the sport, that's the beauty of fishing.