Environmental Fascism

In the new world we have become the masters of our own destiny. We believe that we know it all. Science is fact and human beings rule the planet earth and even beyond. For many years now I have seen a huge increase in environmental elitism, we have the highly educated science people who through data and research seem to know everything about the planet and how it works. If you look at the thinking behind this new form of self esteem its full of theory and ego. Growing up as many people know I was fascinated with rivers and I spent most of my childhood chasing the silver dream. I spent all my childhood living on a dream. All I wanted to do was catch a salmon. That's it, nothing else, I felt that when I caught a salmon it would make my life complete. Thinking back if it wasn't for the anglers that I listened to growing up, today I wouldn't be the person I am. I learned to become an optimist, when you spend hours apon hours on the river bank without catching you learn that life isn't really about what you know but about what you don't. There is an old song with a lyric that goes like this, "Music saved my life". I can certainly say that I believe that angling saved my own life. For it was the optimism and hope that dragged from the gutter, not once but a thousand times. The same hope and optimism that I learned on the river bank through my childhood years! You can do it all, perfect bait, perfect location, perfect timing but you cant put the fish on the hook!

Glencar, 1995

Most of the people reading this blog would have come through my Facebook page, Dingle Peninsula Fishing, the reality of that page is that its nothing but a hindrance for me. People think that its some kind of egocentric form of identity. The page started with three photos. The photos were of rivers unknown to the world. I can safely say today that them rivers are now known to the people that wanted to know information on them rivers. I started the page because I felt the lack of passion and guidance available to the anglers and hunters that wanted information on the Dingle Peninsula and Kerry was not acceptable to me. All I have done is opened up a portal of information on what I knew and what I was shown by others. Through working on the page I have witnessed all sorts but over the last five years there has been a dramatic change in the attitude of people. Today the separation within the community of anglers is immense. Over the last few years I have been trying to understand the mentality behind this form of thinking. Why the separation? Why the constant barrage of name calling and abuse seen online? What I have learned is the separation is not just in the fishing community but all communities. 

If we look at the planet earth, the reality is we don't even know how we got here. We don't know how it will end. We don't know anything, All we know is we are born and we will die. Everything is theory, absolutely everything. I know this and any good academic will tell you the same. The reason I believe for the separation within society is this, we believe we know it all. We have become judge, executioner and god. We are all gods. We are the masters of our own destiny. We believe that our desires should be met at all times. We don't want suffering and we don't want pain. The world is in chaos but the people have there blindfolds on, they don't want to know the truth once there own ship is in order. People talk about the planet and the environment like it should be an even tabletop. When the reality is that this planet is in a constant flux, species die out all the time, mountains fall to the group and seas drain away. This world will one day die and this world one day will be reborn. We as a people have absolutely no control over that. There is only one constant in this world and that's night and day. Light and darkness. Good and evil. Higher Power and Lower Power. God and the devil!

Banna, Sunset, 2016

Which side are you on? Personally I belong to the so called low life's. The drug addicts, the alcoholics, the criminals because i'm one myself, a reformed one, reformed in the light of god. 

Tight lines...