Exodus 90 Day 17

In a world full of academics and state bodies that seem to know everything, how do you stand out from the crowd? How do you do something different? When you get sick of being who people want you to be and you want to do better. In order to do anything for the better you must sacrifice. That is the exodus program for me, you have to have blind faith and reach for the stars. Moses needed blind faith even tho god was speaking to him, he had to believe in the faith that god had in him not the faith that he had in himself. Gods grace is the key, my exodus program has gone like this, started off like a steam train, battled it for the first week, treated it like a boxing match, got into the ring and lost. Then I binged in life luxuries for a few days and realised I actually quite like the cold showers the structure in my day, the routine, the intense training, the prayer, the fraternity, being accountable etc etc... We are being sold a dud, it doesn't work, its not good for us! All this interference, this noise, the otter bullshit that is social media, Instagram, technology as a whole!

City of Sin, Amsterdam, 2018

I read somewhere lately that the start of the scientific revolution was about doing good for mankind! It was about bettering our life, and for sure some of it did, but a lot of it didn't. Just look around you, the chaos in every town from drug abuse, the family system being completely corrupted, the identity politics, the greed, the envy.... Yes some good is being done but a lot more bad is acted out. I think we on the edge of something very drastic. In a world where god has become irrelevant then how can we last, if our moral compass is being eroded then things will only get worse. All in all society is doing OK but i don't like the way its going, I could be all wrong but that is how I feel. If anything the exodus program has made me aware of myself and my behaviours. It has shown me I can be so much more if I just practise the virtues that I know god wants me to live by. If i want to make a change, i know i must start with myself. Tight lines...