Exodus 90 Day 6

I wasn't going to write this... I really didn't want to, all evening all I wanted was to sit down eat shit food and watch rubbish on a screen! Then something happened, somebody texted me, the conversation went along the lines of human beings and how we are destroying the environment. The cancer of the planet I think was mentioned! That got me going. That gave me the energy to write this, all evening I was feeling sorry for myself, after starting this exodus journey and sacrificing certain things, like everything and there is nothing left! No sugar, no media, not even a hot shower, no alcohol. no drugs (trust me I loved drugs), no soft drinks, not even orange juice etc etc etc I then came to believe that anybody in this country or western civilisation that think they are not contributing to the destruction of the environment then they need to get their head examined! The comfort that we live in, the infrastructure around us to make sure we live in comfort, the food, the luxury, the medicine! The life expectancy... The reality is at no time in history have human beings lived in such comfort! If you want to sit there and point the finger at human beings for destroying the planet, then maybe you need to look at yourself! Rant over.. Good Night... 

Tier, Brandon, 2017