First Day of Exodus 90

No sugar, no sugar and no sugar...

Is sugar a drug? I don't know! I will leave the answer to that question up to people who have studied it! 

What I do know is that I have taken a lot of drugs, I am with god's help clean and sober today but I haven't personally felt cravings like I did today from illegal drugs...

So I started my exodus 90 journey last night at 12pm! I got up this morning at 9 as I am off work and had a cold shower straight away! Then I had a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee with no sugar. Almost immediately I got a craving for sugar...

Usually I would have sugar with my coffee or if I am working I would go to my local spar and get a large coffee and hazelnut syrup! I didn't realise the subtle temptation that is sugar! I can say honestly that I got through the day with no sugar at all of any sort but it's only day 1...

Also with exodus ninety you have to pray for an hour and get an hour intense exercise... I got in three brisk walks and a fairly sluggish 5k run this evening...

I said the rosary with a friend and got a half hour silent prayer session in my local church this afternoon...

The reason for starting this journey is quite simple,to rid life of one's distractions, to get closer to God and get to know myself!

I believe we think as a society that we are so advanced and sophisticated now, we feel technology and vanity are to be enjoyed but I don't feel right doing that!

I want something different, I might fail as I have done so many times,I have failed quite at most things in my life, I have done everything but gave up! 

Also this is part of the programme, every evening to look at my day and write about it!

Christmas Day 2020