Exodus 90 Day 3


O Shea's Gully, Tom o Sullivan

Day 3 of the Exodus spiritual experience! For some reason food is not food anymore. It's like all I was eating food for was so I could eat sugar after. Buns, chocolate, cans of coke! I can see the absolute pig I used make of myself, in a world so full of sin, gluttony was my favorite! It's funny how these things can control you without even knowing it! In the readings on the Exodus app it talks about the Israelites on the journey out of Egypt. The whole point of the Exodus 90 program is to journey out of the comfort, to travel the road less travelled, to go to the uncomfortable!

To sin with impunity, Fulton Sheen

One of my favourite films of all time is the film, the Devil's Advocate! In that film there is so many powerful quotes, Al Pacino plays a great part as the devil! The devil in the film is a famous lawyer in New York City. He gets the guilty off corrupt cases and lives the life of pleasure, lust, power, greed, dishonesty etc etc.... The young lawyer caught in the prestige of the devil is played by Keanu Reeves. For some reason the Exodus program has opened my mind and my eyes to the comfort we all live in, especially the western world, the absolute luxury we take for granted! Maybe the greatest trick the devil ever played is that we think he don't exist! But he exists, he exists in the comfort we live in and the absolute disregard for all those suffering in the world! Maybe Fulton Sheen was right, do we all sin with impunity?