Idea Fraud

So I spent a long time last year posting information on local trawlers being targeted online by individuals. So much so that nearly 100,000 people got to see the posts from all over the world, throughout the process I was in contact with altogether 5 different skippers of different boats. I had a great story. Trust me I was about to blow the lid on so much corruption, I was then invited onto a boat and I accepted the invitation. That never happened.

Mia Brosnan, Dingle Harbour

What happened was this, people who are paid actual salaries to do what I do for free got involved behind my back, they basically watched what I was doing, stole the ideas and went and done them themselves. This is something I have noticed lately, people who get paid salaries for nothing, especially union jobs and media outlets like the examiner just go along and take ideas that they haven't come up with themselves. It's ridiculous and the actual article achieved nothing, it portrayed the trawler men as hard done by, it portrayed them as being the poor and bottom of the barrel. That article was mine, I came up with it and organised it.

Inch Beach, Summer 2020

The story was not mine it was a joke, it's about time trawlermen stood up like the strong men they are. Who the fuck what's to be portrayed as weak and underfoot. It's a crying shame that these lads that risk their lives have to be continually portrayed as somehow inferior. These are your waters that ye have fished for generations. Stand up for fucks sake and be counted. When I saw this article last I got angry, very angry. I texted the author and the man behind stealing my idea. Obviously no reply. The difference is tho I do this for free, it's called passion and drive, I'll be here when these lads are moved on because that's what happens they get moved on. Trust me on this, what I will uncover this year will put this ridiculous article in its back pocket, stay tuned the best is yet to come.