Biggest Fines for Illegal Fishing of Salmon in Ireland

 So what have been the biggest fines handed down for the illegal fishing of Salmon in Ireland? Here are a list of fines that could have been alot more if you ask me! 

Netting from a Boat on the river Barrow. 

  • West Cork man Donal Healy was fined 4000 euro for illegally drift netting Salmon off Quary Point in County Cork. Donal was also ordered to pay an extra 500 euro to cover costs. 17th November 2020. West Cork Drift Netting
  • Two men convicted of netting Salmon from a boat on the river Barrow, Micheal & James Malone both fined roughly 3500 euro including costs. 4th August 2020. River Barrow Netting
  • Niall Patton paid a total of 2000 euro for illegally catching by rod and line four salmon on a closed river in Ballyshannon, county Donegal. 13th May 20022. Ballyshannon Closed river