Fishing for Fish Meal!

So with all the talk about our bays being netted for tons of tiny fish, I decided to do a blog post. People are on my case twenty four seven about the subject, everyday I get photos and messages about various bays across Ireland being pair trawled. Most of the messages I ignore but some I pay attention. Like how do we on one hand say we want to protect our coasts and its marine habitats and on the other, allow big trawlers in and literally net every corner of them. This will be seen as the biggest environmental disaster in the last twenty to fifty years. Two trawlers built for the open sea pairing up to net tiny fish for the salmon farm industry. All within twenty feet of the coastline. I have spoken to the skipper of the Fiona K a few times. He rang me one day while I was in Limerick working. Seems like a genuine man. He spoke very well and assured me that the type of fishing they undertake within bays like Kenmare Harbour is 100 percent above board. He believed it to be a very sustainable type of fishing. He also stated that there is almost no by-catch, which I still find almost impossible but in fairness he assured me that they get very little. He even sent me videos of their catch being pumped out of their nets.  - Draft Post Written in 2021

Sprat fishing, Shannon Estuary, Fiona k & Ocean Venture

Sprat Landings by tonne, Killybegs 2011 - 2020

Sprat Landings by tonne, Castletownbare 2011 - 2020

The simple truth is that sprat are a non quota species which means as much can be caught by Irish boats, but usually these important food chain species are not targeted by big boats in inshore waters like Kenmare bay and the Shannon estuary. So boats over 18 metres have over the last few years have decided to net as much sprat as they can in the bays, steam back to port , pump the catch from there tanks into waiting trucks and head straight back out. This has happened all over Ireland over the last few years. There was a high court case stopping these boats fishing so close to shore but that was overturned and now the slaughter continues. 

Sprat tonnage Year 2018 - 2020