500 Wild Salmon Found in Giant Freezers In Kerry!

 In 2006 over 500 wild un-tagged Salmon were found by the IFI in giant freezers in Kerry. In my estimation this was the biggest case of poaching crime ever in Ireland. Still to this day it goes unsolved! It has never been made public where the Wild Salmon were found and it remains to this day a closed book. Why? We do not know but this case should never have gone on unsolved. What the people involved in this corruption which goes very deep into the roots of high society in south Kerry is that maybe it would have been better to own up to this at time because now it might hurt more if proven guilty. Jordan Peterson had a very good quote recently and it went a little something like this, if you do not rectify the past then you cannot fix the future! How can we stop legal and illegal poaching in Castlemaine harbour without rectifying the corruption that at least existed back then and maybe exists today. In fact the South Western Fishery Board had an awful lot to play in, because they never pushed ahead! It screams of brown envelopes! It should have been an open and shut case, they found well over 500 Salmon in a premises! So it would have been straight forward enough to prosecute? So I just wanted to show the corruption involved in the Wild salmon industry have a good read!