92 Turbine Off Shore Windfarm Propsed For Dingle Bay

 So people think that I am against fishermen. Nothing could be further from the truth, what I am against is unsustainable fishing and I stand by that. On the Facebook page over the holidays there was an awful lot of talk about a proposed wind-farm off the Kerry coast. I looked into it and I couldn't stop. These types of stories intrigue me and the reason they do this is this, it's all bollix. You will hear stories of climate change, how good things are, how wonderful this will be for the locality etc etc. The truth about it is this. MONEY. In every avenue of this situation it's all about money. The people involved are in it for either prestige or money. The same thing really. Now I think wind farms are a good thing. I encourage them, what I am interested  here is why are the people that actually fish the seas where the proposed OFW will be, not involved? On my page, the local fishermen seem to be against this wind-farm, now instead of commenting on a post, I would rather actually look into and find out what's really going on. I am going to add a separate page where people can go and see the various new stories and information on this wind farm. So there will be quite a few posts about this over the next few weeks and months. Also there is a poll on the Dingle Peninsula Fishing and Hunting Group page.

Here is the link for that page you can find on the front page of the blog. Dingle Bay Offshore Windfarm