Killarney and the refugee problem!

With the recent stabbing of a man in a Killarney Hotel and all the commotion in the Town, is it fair to ask the question could Killarney be the new stab city? All you have to do is go through the different incidents over the last few years and you would be fairly shocked at what has gone on in the town. I wasn't at the protest, the video was sent to me but after I posted it, the amount of messages I got from worried locals was frightening. It was scary then to see some of the local politicians who must be living on a different planet, call the protesters, shameful. In fairness out of all the debate and opinion from the government, the only one with a bit of sense was Micheal Healy Rae. He was very compassionate to both the locals and the refugees, to call the feelings of the people concerned, racist is down right ridiculous, it's not racism, it's a fact that we have too many homeless in Kerry, too many people waiting on hospital beds, too many people on the housing list, rents are too high etc etc... The sad reality is we have a lot of problems that we need to focus on! It's not racist to be worried that we won't be able to cope! All this brings to mind an old saying, clean your own house first before you condemn another! I am not against refugees or anybody for that matter, I have friends from all over the world but how can we bring maybe 100,000 people into this country when we cant even house our own. 

For some reason on all sides people think this is hate speech, you hear in the comment section about how you are a racist and how distant you are from the majority. Ireland is a small country and all of a sudden we seem to think we are loaded with money again. Lets see how 2023 goes because by the end of it we may be broke. Back in 2007 and 2008 we heard the same thing from the government about how flush we are and next thing we had to tighten our belts. People are worried and I believe it's justified. At least Micheal had the patience and tolerance to speak on this matter with wisdom and care. The people that were protesting had every right to do so, and they can protest anywhere they want, that is the reality of living in democratic state. Maybe people in some parties want a more authoritarian state where they can control people and tell them what to do. With an economic downturn predicted and with a lot of these high tech jobs ready to go lets see who will be angry when jobs start to go. We shouldn't be allowing people in when we cannot physically house them! Its nothing personal, its just logic!