Planning permission exempt for two years!

 At the moment I am going through the planning lists of the Kerry County Council, to my astonishment some of the buildings I was looking for were not on the lists. Then I searched for Ukrainian refugee housing and I was astonished to find that in Ireland if you are converting a building to house refugees you do not need planning until December 2024. I was talking to about 5 different friends working in construction and they all told me that there are buildings currently being converted all over the county.  Dingle, Castleisland, Ballybunion, Tralee, Killarney etc etc... I was reading a report in the Irish Times where it states that we have spent close to 1 billion on the Ukrainian crisis up to now.  We will spend another billion this year and up to now we have taken in 63,000 refugees. I was surprised to find that we are no longer neutral in this war, we have supplied non-lethal equipment to the Ukrainian government. Why are we not told any of this, it seems to me a lot of this is done without any understanding of the people of Ireland! How would you feel if up to now you have been trying to get planning for a home on the peninsula and you have spent thousands only to be refused, or like a friend of mine who had to leave Dingle to go work up the county because he couldn't get a home on the peninsula. Like people are struggling to live but we have spent millions sending money to help another country when we cant help ourselves! Nobody is saying we shouldn't help, I have great pity on people from these countries but for gods sake we need to house people here first. At this moment we have 211 people in Tralee town, homeless, in hostels, the majority which are Irish, we can't we home them, what about the thousands on housing lists? I know of one person, a single mother, paying 1300 a month for a house! She has to work 7 days a week just to pay rent. This is wrong lads and what it says to me is that the government and the local politicians are just not in touch with the community. The problem is who do you vote for when they are all so not in touch with reality! The divide between the working class and the elite is so wide they literally cannot understand the reality of the people who really run the country. No planning, that is unreal, when you have Irish people who cant get it, these people are trying to put roofs over their heads! With 800 euro offered to house refugees then I can see more Irish becoming homeless.