The Irish Homeless are just addicts!

Message this morning, all the Irish homeless are just drug addicts, cant work they are a waste of time! At least these refugees want to work they deserve a house! So maybe there is an element of truth to that but guess what I am a drug addict and I know that drug addiction is not as simple as that! Take a homeless Irish women on the streets with 4 kids in foster care. Do you really think that women wants to be on the street without her kids? I don't think so, we have a huge problem with addiction and mental health in this county. We will spend 2 billion on the refugee crisis between this year and the last, my argument is this, spend it on the people who are suffering here first! At this moment if you want to get a bed in a drug rehabilitation centre like Buree in limerick you will be waiting for months, maybe even over a year! Buree is the one where these homeless people will have to go because it's the only one affordable to people with nothing! The rest of the treatment centres are roughly 7000 euro. The homeless situation is a problematic one, but we need to support these people, put more money into treatment centres, and provide better accommodation. We can do it, this refugee crisis has proven that!