Sneaky Salmon Anglers

 There are no fish in the river! The salmon are gone! It's nothing like the old days. Everyday I am listening to it. Salmon are for sure not what they used to be. A lot of fish have been killed and maybe they will never come back the way they were but they are no way gone. What has to be considered also is the lack of anglers, unfortunately the rivers are just not being fished like they used to be. Now just because an angler doesn't catch a fish does not mean the fish are not there. So it got me thinking why haven't we heard of more fish being caught, are catches kept quiet. The rise of social media has definitely created a more sneaky angler. I am hearing of a fish in the Laune but nobody is seeing real evidence. So i looked at the data and i could only find exact figures for salmon caught by month in 2022 & 2021. In the diagram below you will see 2022 in blue and 2021 in red. In 2022 in the month of January 15 salmon were caught in Ireland. In 2021 in the month of January 22 salmon were caught in Ireland. In 2022 in the month of February 180 salmon were caught in Ireland. In 2021 in the month of February 102 salmon were caught in Ireland. So the figures show in at least the years mentioned salmon are being caught in the early months. Where these salmon are caught is unknown because the IFI do not release these figures. If the Laune produced 20% of the overall salmon caught in Ireland which I think roughly it does then in say the year 2021 in February the Laune would have produced roughly 20 salmon! Now again these figures are very rough and I am not saying these are exact but logic would tell you that. All I am doing here is trying my best to catch the sneaky Kerry anglers and maybe twist their arms into revealing the few fish being caught. Tight lines ye greedy bastards! 😏