River Laune and River Maine have highest C&R figures in Ireland!

 The river Laune had a great year for anglers in 2022 with 950 caught and released Salmon. All these figures are from the 2023 report from TEEGOS. That stands for the technical expert group on salmon for the north south standing committee for Inland Fisheries Ireland. The draft nets had a very bad year in fact they were down 1282 Salmon from 2021. So the nets must not have been out as much or else they were releasing them for the good of the river! The river Maine over the other side of the bay had 150 salmon caught and released salmon in 2022 which again was 130 salmon more than the year before. All this information is widely available on the IFI website. A big congratulations to all of the anglers that have started to put back fish. I do not want to believe that these figures could be rigged, I really really don't and I want to say well done to all them anglers who no doubtfully put back a few Salmon but 950! Come on!  

2022 C&R Salmon 1000% Increase on 2021

Draft nets had a bad year in 2022