Why do the media hate Andrew Tate!

 Everyone hates Andrew Tate! Not entirely true but that is what the mainstream media would like you to believe. Toxic masculinity is another phrase thrown around but again that is a phrase used to mask something that means nothing. What about toxic femininity? Why are we not talking about that but maybe we are, while mainstream media is not. Andrew Tate is a world champion martial artist, who has come to fame because he talks about something that is missing in this new generation of misfits and tech geeks. I like to compare Andrews following the same way we now have ultra marathons and gruelling races of all types in every town and city in the western world. Men have lost their balls. We need to be feeling like men but we are stuck behind computers looking at half naked women selling themselves at every corner there is. With abortions and female betrayal of their partners now the absolute norm, men are simply angry and sick to the death of it. A few years back I attended the pro life rally in Dublin city, my reason for attending had nothing to do with babies. It had everything to do with men. Now men have no right to a child they have contributed to creating. Male masculinity has been eroded to death. Andrew Tate is just speaking about subjects that people feel strongly about but they cannot talk about them because society has taken away their freedom of speech. Whole governments and state bodies who employ the majority of any society have clamped down on anyone speaking how they feel. You have to fall into place or else you could lose your job or your public reputation. Why all this is happening is at times a mystery to me but then sometimes I get a moment of clarity. When you live in a secular society with no forward direction or good orderly direction then chaos reigns. Make no bones about it chaos is the norm now! For some reason we seem to not see it. We see today's society as healthy when it so clearly is not. The family dynamic is gone, suicide rates have never been higher, addiction and mental health is at an all time high. Kids don't see the outside world anymore but they see the world through a screen. Personally I think that this Andrew Tate story is a joke. When have you seen words as a problem. All he has done is talked. That is it. Andrew Tate is currently hated because they don't want you to know who to really hate. While we bring in assisted death and 6 month abortions, lets focus on someone speaking about nothing really! Its a complete farce.