Dancing with the Devil!

 The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is to make you think he doesn't exist! On Friday I think I saw the devil! Crazy? Well let me tell you what happened! I was going into Saint John's church to light a candle, as I walked up to the church, I realised adoration was on, so I went into the room designated for adoration and picked up a book. I opened a page and read a chapter. This was the first coincidence that happened and you know what they say about coincidences. The exact page I opened was about Knock and how Saint John appeared. I didn't know he was the only saint that wasn't martyred. Been in Saint Johns and opening a page exactly about knock and about saint John! So I stayed for a while and left the room walking back down the church to light a candle in front of the Jesus portrait at the bottom left side of the church. I remembered exactly what I said as I left the church. I said 'sorry lord but I have to keep moving'. When you enter or leave Saint Johns there are two doors with a tiny little room between. As I left the church I pushed open the door and saw nothing but as I opened the next door something told me to turn around and as I did, I saw this woman, very pretty staring straight at me. She was in the corner, right up against the wall! She was there one minute and gone the next! True story! The shiver that went up my spine almost paralysed me. Call me crazy but that is exactly what happened.