Micheal Healy Rea asks Eamon Ryan to open the river Feale for netting!

Michael Healy-Rea


Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications to resolve a fisheries issue (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. 

Written answers

Eamon Ryan 


Ireland manages salmon stocks on an individual river basis, taking account of the minimum number of adult fish required to maintain a healthy and sustainable population in the individual river. If no surplus is available, no commercial quota is established. I have been advised by IFI that Conservation Limits for the river Feale has not been achieved to facilitate responsible harvest, either recreationally or commercially, in 2023. Consequently, in adherence to scientific and management advice, this river is open for Catch and Release Angling only in 2023.

Harvest of rivers below their conservation limit is not permitted as this would increase pressures on already vulnerable stocks and potentially severely damage their longer term viability and the biodiversity in their aquatic habitat. In that context, facilitating harvest in these circumstances would be irresponsible and run counter to the conservation imperative and the EU Habitats Directive.