How to save a life!

 I grew up with a girl, she was my best friend, we went through our teenage years running wild. We genuinely loved each other. We never kissed or had anything like that, we cried and always knew that we were actual friends. As we went through our lives we survived all the madness, we always had each others back and eventually we parted ways because I wanted a different life. She felt like i abandoned her, I would turn up clean and sober at parties missing the craic. Later on she would tell me that she was jealous that I got out and made a change. Years later she told me that the song 'How to save a life' would remind her of me. I never forgot that. She went on to change her own life become a counsellor and help people just like us. Me and Lorna will always be friends and that genuine love will never leave us. Life has been so difficult and hard being a person that taught people were good and true. I always taught that people were fundamentally good. I think that is called being naive. Would you rather be the person that taught all people were good. If you get hurt over and over again would you turn into a person that goes through life inflicting the same pain that was inflicted on you. My life has been a series of ups and downs but I always went with what I felt and that has been to my detriment. I have watched people destroy another person's reputation and hadn't the guts to do it to the same person's face. When you lose it all, regain it and lose it again, that teaches you reliance. It's very lonely knowing the truth and coming to terms that nobody else is bothered to even have the interest in anyone but themselves to ask somebody to tell them the truth. We live in a world now where people are so shallow and vain that we just don't care. Its been a year since I had a harrowing experience of asking god to save a life. I told god that I would not accept somebody I loved would die. I think people think I am crazy and maybe I am but it was me that had to go through something nobody should go through. Instead of running like most people would I tried to save a life. I am suffering big time but I will be fine. God will not put us through something that we can't handle. I know what happened but my biggest problem is nobody knows the truth. Nobody has bothered to ask me how I am holding up. You think that something like that would change a person but they continue to ridicule and try and destroy you. Sad thing is to know what happens next and what is even sadder is, when it happens they will point the finger at me. I know the truth and I also know that I may be naive but I know that most people just don't care and will continue to do what they do. The road to heaven is paved with good intentions. The moral of the story is to always tell the truth don't stoop to their level and love everyone, always. Love thy neighbour like you love yourself. You grow up with the fantasy of love, loyalty and respect. Unfortunately it doesn't exist anymore. Eve has won, she sold us a lie. Good men stay silent so virtue dies.