Salmon Farming in Kenmare Bay!

 So who buys the Wild Salmon from the nets in Cromane? I will let you guess that. Who buys the majority of farmed Salmon from the Salmon Farm in Deenish Island in South Kerry? I will let you guess that also! Unfortuatley I cant name companies on here anymore for various reasons but everyone locally know who I am talking about. Salmon Farming is a controversial industry. If you are interested in all things Salmon then I am sure you will know that Salmon Farming has caused serious damage along the west coast of Ireland. Sea trout fishing in areas where intensive farming is practised has completely collapsed. I am not a scientist but I have had conversations with various scientists who hold jobs at universities on a number of occasions. They all seem to say that problems lie far outside the Salmon Farms. When you speak to scientists, one thing I have noticed, is that very little solutions are talked about. In my humble opinion people in careers cannot take sides, they have to think about their jobs. Logical sense goes out the window and what's left is who can provide the money to prove what they need to prove. Lough Currane was Europe's best Sea Trout fishery. So you can talk to scientists, anglers, IFI officials etc. They will tell you that the Salmon Farm has nothing to do with the demise of Sea Trout in Lough Currane. Well I am going to tell you the very reason why there isn't a specimen Sea Trout in Lough Currane anymore, is completely down to the Salmon Farm in Deenish Island. It's that simple. Obviously there are other problems! Farm runoff, Mortality at sea, anglers not practising c&r! I put the blame completely on the minister at the time for granting a license to Mowi to farm salmon in south Kerry. I put the blame completely on the Salmon wholesalers for wanting farmed salmon to make money. There is no black and white about it. At the moment the Salmon Farm in Deenish has no license because instead of raising 500 tonne of Salmon for sale, they raised well over double that. Still they farm salmon with no license and now Mowi are applying for a new license even when Lough Currane has been shut down as a Sea Trout Fishery. Gone are the days of specimen fish caught in Lough Currane. Sea trout cannot go to sea and feed because of the lice. Here are a few snippets of the specimen book from 1990 to 2010.