Is AI the antichrist?

 Healing the sick, creating new worlds? Becoming god. These are examples of definitions according to some. Artificial Intelligence is exactly that. Artificial. Made up. Formed by us. The people. I like to listen to Joe Rogan but I am kind of getting turned off him with his new found love of AI. Don't get me wrong, I love technology and it has helped us as a society in so many ways. When I hear some commentators talk about AI, comparing it to god. I get disinterested. We are not creators. Everything in this world is created for us. next time you stand on a beach, I want you to do something. I want you to pick out what we created and what the creator created. You will soon release that all we create is rubbish. But even that rubbish is created from what the creator has created. A lot of what we do isn't good but on that same beach you may see a fishing rod, created by us to catch a fish to eat it. My point is that we are not gods and we will never be. We may try and create worlds within this world but they will never be this world. AI, I have no doubt will help us in many ways, but if AI does heal the sick it will from the gathered data that us humans have gathered over thousands of years. To think for itself in an intelligent way is what makes us humans and spiritual beings. Lets see how all this plays out. Keep the faith.