Facebook is down!

 Do not tell me that I didn’t tell all of ye! New management at the Owenmore and with the help of god a few Salmon to finish off a great season. I have been hacked online, all social media accounts are now not under my control but hopefully that will be sorted soon. What I am going to do is share a pic from the Facebook page which are all downloaded on here in the photos section. I didn’t realise that over 6000 people viewed this blog last month which in fairness is good, knowing that I spend very little time on it myself. So here is the first picture! It might be a while before the page is up and running again.

The great Bob Moss

The one and only Bob Moss, the man who saw it first and decided to live on the peninsula. Devoted a lot of his life promoting the place and as far as I am aware died here as well. I met him a good few times and was lucky enough to talk to him about all things fishing. Long love the great anglers of our time.